Leif Jonker
Special Guests

Leif Jonker, producer/director of the Wichita lensed cult vampire splatter flick DARKNESS, is happy to be attending the ICT Comic Con to celebrate the 10 Year Anniversary of WICHITA BIG SCREEN, an initiative dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the theatrical movie experience throughout Wichita and surrounding areas!
In 2011 Jonker started presenting a series of October movie screenings including month-long horror movie festivals and special shows at the Warren Oldtown, the Augusta Theatre, the StarLite Drive-In and the Orpheum Theatre. Then in 2014 he launched WICHITA BIG SCREEN to expand the scope of the special screenings to include films like William Friedkin’s SORCERER, THE WARRIORS, GOJIRA, 2001, BLADE RUNNER: THE FINALCUT and so many others. All in all over the last decade WBS has helped bring over 250 special screenings to ICT area movie theatres! Three year ago (strangely enough – it’s a long story) Leif’s festival work landed him in the position to act as distributor of the original zombie classic, George A. Romero’s DAWN OF THE DEAD (1978) allowing him to bring both the 2-D and 3-D editions of the ultimate horror masterpiece back to over 500 theatres across the U.S. and Canada!
He was extremely honored to be provided the unexpected opportunity which he didn’t see as a job as much as a higher calling, a public service to his horror loving brothers and sisters!
Last but far from least, Leif is excited to announce that the original motion-picture soundtrack to DARKNESS just enjoyed a deluxe 2-Disc vinyl record release and he is currently finally finishing work on the (forever in development) restored BluRay release of DARKNESS: THE FINAL CUT. He will have copies of the DARKNESS soundtrack on hand, rare 27×40″ theatrical DAWN OF THE DEAD posters, rare DARKNESS promotional t-shirts and free DARKNESS posters at his table! Swing by and say “Hi!”
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